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Eric is a seasoned and accomplished massage therapist and light worker, with a passion for healing and nurturing the body and spirit. With a decade of experience, Eric has honed his skills and techniques as a licensed practitioner, leaving his clients feeling rejuvenated and refreshed - his hands listen to a language that has no sound, your bodies language. 

Eric's approach to massage therapy is rooted in his deep love for each soul that he touches. He takes the time to connect with his clients, to understand their individual needs, and to tailor his techniques to ensure that they leave feeling their best.

With Eric, you can rest assured that you are in the hands of a true professional who is deeply committed to your well-being. His love for what he does shines through in every session, and his calming and compassionate approach will leave you feeling nurtured and cared for.

“The best massage I have ever recieved. The intuition, the touch, the pressure - it was like Eric was speaking with my body to release my tension”

Kevin Warner


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